Util assert functions.
- assert_bw()¶
Exit if the first arg is not between the next two exclusive (ints).
- assert_dir_exists()¶
Exit if directory does not exist.
- assert_ec()¶
Exit if the value is not an error as defined by this lib.
- assert_eq()¶
Check that two values are equal (lexical); exit if not true.
- assert_exe_exists()¶
Exit if the executable does not exit.
- assert_fail()¶
Fail (exit) with the given message.
- assert_false()¶
Exit if the given value is not false.
- assert_file_exists()¶
Exit if file does not exit.
- assert_function_exists()¶
Exit if the given name is not a function.
- assert_ge()¶
Exit if the first arg is less than the second (ints).
- assert_gt()¶
Exit if the first arg is less or equal to the second (ints).
- assert_has_prefix()¶
Exit if the value does ont have the given prefix.
- assert_lt()¶
Exit if the first arg is greater or equal to second (ints).
- assert_ne()¶
Check that two values are not equal (lexical); exit if yes.
- assert_nz()¶
Check that the given value is not zero; exit if not true.
- assert_port_free()¶
Exit if the given port is not free.
- assert_user()¶
Exit if the given name does not match the current user.
- assert_user_starts_with()¶
Exit if the given name is not a prefix of the current user.
- assert_ze()¶
Check that the given value is zero; exit if not true.