whiptail API support.
- WTChecklist()¶
whiptail checklist.
- WTChecklist_show()¶
Show the box and store the checked value into the result.
- WTInputBox()¶
whiptail input box.
- WTInputBox_show()¶
Show the box and store the input into the result.
- WTMenu()¶
whiptail menu.
- WTMenu_show()¶
Show the box and store selected option into the result.
- WTMsgBox()¶
whiptail message box.
- WTMsgBox_show()¶
Show the box.
- WTRadiolist()¶
whiptail radiolist.
- WTRadiolist_show()¶
Show the box store the selected option into the result.
- whiptail_doc()¶
Module doc.
- whiptail_enabled()¶
Check if this module is enabled.