Util functions for checking values/system.
- has_fld()¶
True if the object has the given field.
- is_bash3()¶
True if this function is invoked by bash 3.x process.
- is_bash4()¶
True if this function is invoked by bash 4.x process.
- is_bash5()¶
True if this function is invoked by bash 5.x process.
- is_bool()¶
True if the given value can be a bool.
- is_ec()¶
True if the value is an error (as def in this library).
- is_empty()¶
True if an empty string.
- is_eq()¶
True if values are equal (lexical).
- is_exe()¶
True if the given argument corresponds to an executable.
- is_false()¶
True if value is considered false in this library.
- is_file()¶
True if it is a valid file.
- is_float()¶
True if the given value can be a float (bc).
- is_function()¶
True if the given name corresponds to a function.
- is_gt()¶
True if one value is greater than another (ints only).
- is_instanceof()¶
True if the object is instance of the given struct.
- is_int()¶
True if the given value can be parsed as an int (bc).
- is_linux()¶
Return true/0 if linux.
- is_mac()¶
Return true/0 if mac.
- is_ne()¶
True if values are not equal (lexical).
- is_null()¶
True if the value is null.
- is_object()¶
True if the given argument is a valid object.
- is_set()¶
True if the value is set.
- is_string()¶
True if the given value can be a string.
- is_true()¶
True if value is considered true in this library.
- is_uint()¶
True if the given value is an unsigned int (bc).